Monday, October 31, 2011

Memories of Halloweens past

 October 1991
I was never very fond of Halloween, all this fuss...buying all this candy, dress the kids in silly costumes and rush after supper to go around the neighborhood houses to say " trick or treat " and beg for candy....But unlike how I felt, my kids loved that night. We would have supper early, they would dress up and they would fly out of door. Back then, we lived in a small town of 4,200 people and we knew almost all our neighbors up and down the street, they were our friends, our kids elementary teacher...people we knew and knew us.
After they would go to the end of the street and the Halloween bag would be almost full, they would return home, remove the costumes and wash their faces and then the joy oh the joy. Both of them they would sit on the carpet and start dividing the candy in little the hard candy, there all the little chocolates, here the lollipops...there the pencils (yes they were happy for these too) and the pop...and eat a few treats and feel oh happy... And the next day they would start again...start the same game...dividing and eating some candy...and the next and the next...It is funny I don't ever remember them getting sick...and they were oh happy!!!


  1. What wonderful memories! My kids were much the same in their approach to Halloween and the treats. (Although I've never been a fan of Halloween. Too much fuss, bother, and sugar. . .)

  2. This post is so sweet! I think you and I have similar opinions about Halloween, haha! xxxxx!!

  3. Hi Vicky,
    and thank you. Maybe because Great minds think alike...ha ha ha.I always felt guilty though, because I thought I was a Halloween Grinch :)


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